Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Classroom Timeline

Every year, I love setting up a timeline of my class's year together. I have displayed this on walls, hallways or the back of my door, depending where I have some space for the year. In the hallway is my favorite because it gives everyone the chance to see our year in progress as they pass by.

You will need:

Monthly words (Dollar tree has a pack of 12 months for $1!!), a picture for each month, sentence strips to write about each month.

Every month, I take a classroom picture of something my students and I are enjoying together. I always start the first picture in September on the first day of school. I continue each month with days like Halloween, Valentine Exchange, projects, etc.

I choose a student to write a sentence about what we did each month on a strip and we place it under the picture. Throughout the year we visit our timeline and talk about what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the year.

At the end of the year, students have made calendars or classroom gifts for parents with these pictures for something extra you can do.

The parents love to see how much their children have grown throughout the year and love the end of the year presents as a plus!

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